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- Single
Florida Resident/Single Membership:
Resident Membership*
$175.00 Single
$195.00 Family
Non-resident Membership*
$110.00 Single
$130.00 Family
*Resident and Non-Resident status is determined by legal residency
which will be determined by the applicant’s driver’s license or voters registration at the time of application.
Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clay’s, Inc.
Assumption of Risk and Release of Claim
I am aware that attempting to shoot, shooting and being a spectator while others are shooting clay targets with a shotgun are hazardous activities; and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of the danger involved and hereby accept any and all risk of injury or death. I understand that when clay targets are launched they could possibly, whether broken or not, fall upon me as a shooter or spectator, potentially causing serious injury or death. I understand that serious hearing loss may result from being in the proximity of a discharging shotgun. I
acknowledge that Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clay’s, Inc. has required me to wear eye and ear protection and that same are made available for a nominal rental or purchase price. I understand that serious accidents occasionally occur and can cause serious or fatal injuries as a result of being shot or by other means.
Knowing the risk of participating or observing in clay target events, I hereby agree to assume all risks associated therewith to release and hold harmless Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clay’s, Inc., their agents, employees, volunteers and affiliated organizations who through negligence or carelessness might otherwise be liable to me, to my heirs or assigns for damages while on the Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clay’s, Inc. grounds while competing, observing, officiating, or for being permitted by Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clay’s, Inc, to participate in clay targets shooting and all related functions. I hereby agree that I, my heirs assigns will not make a claim of any kind against Sarasota Trap, Skeet and Clay’s, Inc. and/or any of their affiliated organization, owners, employees, agents or volunteers for personal injury, death or property damage resulting from negligent or other acts howsoever caused by any owner, employee, guest, invitee, licensee, member, trespasser, director or agent.
All golf carts are operated at my own risk. Operators must be 18 years or older. The operator will assume all liability. I have carefully read this release and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and that by signing this release I am giving up valuable legal rights in exchange for the privilege of participating in clay target shooting and/or other related activities on the premises. I further agree that this release applies to my minor children participating in sporting clay related events.
I have received a copy of the Club’s Safety Rules which I have read and understand completely.
Safety Rules for Shooting at Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays, Inc.
Effective 09/21/2011
1. Safety is the highest priority and every member is responsible for the safe operation of the club and shall
intervene to stop unsafe behavior in violation of these rules when observed.
2. Eye protection and ear protection are mandatory at all times while shooting.
3. All guns must be unloaded and open when not on a shooting station. Over and under guns must be broken
open; semi-automatics and pumps must have action locked open.
4. Guns must not be loaded until you are on the shooting station with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction down
5. Even unloaded guns, with open actions, must be pointed in a safe direction at all times with the muzzle pointed
toward the ground or straight up in the air.
6. When shooting: Load and close gun only when it is your turn to shoot. If a delay occurs your gun must be
unloaded until it is safe to proceed.
7. Trap Singles only one shell may be loaded at a time. For all other disciplines: Trap Doubles, 5-Stand, Skeet and
Sporting Clays: no more than two shells may be loaded at any time.
8. No shot larger than 7 ½ may be used. No load greater than 1 1/8 ounce may be used. No Steel Shot, Lead Shot
9. At no time are shooters, members or nonmembers, or any other unauthorized personnel permitted to
approach, load, adjust or change any target machine. If a problem arising contact a Range Officer or the Office
to have the problem addressed.
10. Shooting under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.
11. Members buying discounted member targets for non-members is prohibited. Members may allow their guests
to shoot at their rates by using their cards or keys on a limited basis. The member must be present for their
guests to shoot at their rate.
12. Loud, abusive or vulgar language is prohibited.
13. Being verbally abusive or disrespectful to any Club employee is prohibited and will not be tolerated. If there is a
problem with any employee, report such conduct to the manager.
14. Conduct which impairs impedes or otherwise negatively affects the overall harmony and operation of the Club
will not be tolerated and is subject to discipline up to and including suspension of or loss of membership and
exclusion from the Club grounds in the interests of the overall welfare of the membership.
15. All memberships are subject to the Board of Directors’ approval.
16. If other shooters are waiting to shoot. Shooters should concede the field after shooting one round and take
turns with waiting shooters in an alternating orderly manner.
17. Children under 18 must be under adult supervision and may not operate Club golf carts.
18. Persons who violate these Rules are subject to discipline up to and including suspension of or loss of
membership and exclusion from the Club grounds in the interests of the overall welfare of the membership
19. Any individual wanting to instruct shooter(s) on the range must report to the office for approval before entering
the shooting area. All instructors are required to have a Certificate of Insurance on file with the club, naming
Sarasota Gun Club, Inc. as the Certificate Holder.
20. Sarasota Gun Club is a shotgun only club. In the interests of safety, no other types of firearms may be
discharged on any of the ranges. Shotguns must have a full stock (folding or fixed) and a minimum
barrel length of 18.5 inches.
Safety Rules for Shooting at Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays, Inc.
1. Must wear eye and ear protection at all times when on shooting venue, such as trap field, skeet field, or sporting
clays course. It is probably a good idea to leave your glasses on at all times when you are outside at the Club
2. Never load more than two shells at a time in your gun. When shooting a single shot such as in trap, only load
one shell at a time.
3. M.A.T. = Muzzle, Action Trigger
Muzzle must be pointed in a safe direction at all times whether the gun is loaded or not. Never in the direction
of any person. Action must be open when not shooting. Semi Automatics (Pumps as well) must have action locked open. OverUnders must be broken open, until placed in a rack or gunholder on golf carts.
Trigger. Your finger should never be near the trigger until you are on the shooting station, muzzle pointed safely
down-range and it is your turn to shoot.
4. Treat every gun as if it were loaded. Respect the lethal quality that a shotgun has.
5. Never point a gun at anything that you don’t intend to shoot. At Sarasota Trap, Skeet and Clays the only things
that we shoot at are Clay Targets and the Patterning Board.
6. You must be aware of what is down-range of where you are shooting. For example, if you see a worker loading
traps out in the field, you must wait until the field is clear down-range and safe for shooting.
7. When carrying a shotgun, even when the action is open, the Muzzle must be pointed either at the sky or at the
8. Never rest the Muzzle on your toe.
9. Until it is your turn to shoot, your shotgun should be in the gun rack. If you are shooting a round of trap, skeet,
or five stand your unloaded shotgun should be pointed at the sky or the ground or safely down-range.
10. If you are handed a gun or you are asked to pick up a gun, the first thing that you do is check to make sure that it is unloaded. To do this you open the action of the gun and make sure that there is not a shell in the chamber.
11. Use only shells that are the correct gauge for the shotgun you are shooting. Never mix 12 ga. shells and 20 ga.
shells in your pocket, bag, pouch or vest. A 20 ga. shell (which is almost always yellow) will fit inside a 12 ga.
barrel, but will slide down out of sight. A 12 ga. shell can then be inserted into the chamber. The gun will close.
The shell will fire. And the barrel of the gun will explode, seriously injuring, or possibly killing the person
shooting the gun.
12. Misfires.
Hang fire. If you pull the trigger and there is a click but the gun does not go off. Do not open the gun immediately, but wait (with the gun pointed safely down-range) for 30 seconds. Only then do you open the gun
to remove the shell. Occasionally, (somewhat rarely with modern ammunition) a shell will “hang fire” or have a
delayed discharge. Waiting for a brief 30 seconds before opening the shotgun will provide a safe interval so that
the shell does not explode as you are opening the gun. Most of the time when this happens, the firing pin has
not struck the primer sufficiently to discharge the shell.
Blooper. If the gun fires, but there is only a “poof” sound or any sound other than a regular discharge, then you must open the shotgun and make sure that the misfire has not left a partial obstruction in your barrel.
Badly Maintained gun or gun with a Fault. Sometimes a gun which has been badly maintained or has developed a fault or a defect, may discharge immediately when the gun is closed. (The same thing can happen if you close a gun with your finger on the trigger) If your gun is pointed safely down range, as it is supposed to be, then the gun will discharge harmlessly down-range.
13. Shooting under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not allowed and is illegal under the laws of the State of
14. No shot larger than 7 ½ may be used. No load greater than 1 1/8 ounce may be used. The shotfall zone and the
safe design of the Club is based on how far these loads will travel. Larger shot especially, will travel farther and
could present a danger. Most hunting loads have larger shot (6, 5, 4 sized shot is not uncommon) hotter faster
loads and more shot (often up to 1 1/4 ounce or 1 ½ ounce).
15. Sarasota Trap, Skeet and Clays is for shotgun shooting only. It is unsafe and against the rules to discharge any
other type of firearm on the range.
16. Although not technically safety rules, Sarasota Trap, Skeet and Clays Club has additional rules that prohibit loud,
abusive or vulgar language, or being verbally abusive or disrespectful to Club customers or employees. There is
also a general rule that provides that if a person creates a disturbance or conducts himself or herself in a manner
that negatively affects the overall harmony and operation of the Club, that person may be asked to leave and to
not come back.
18. Shooting is only allowed from the designated shooting stand or positions
19. Do not approach, touch, stand near or load any trap equipment. Contact either the office at 941-488-3223 or flag
down a Range Officer for assistance